Rising Sun
Baptist Church
Rev. Walter L. Pleasants Jr. (Pastor)
He is a product of the Hanover County Public School System and a graduate of Patrick Henry High School in Ashland, Virginia. He was baptized at an early age as his mother in- stilled in all her children that getting to know God should be the top priority in their lives.
He was licensed to preach the Gospel on July 20, 2008 accepted into the Graduate program at Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology and graduated May 12, 2012 with his Masters of Divinity degree.
He is married to the former Joyce Cosby and has two children, Ashley, a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University and Asia a graduate of Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey and has two grandsons, Carson and Massiah.
As a servant of the Lord, he has held the following positions Trustee, Deacon, Sunday School Teacher and Youth Minister. At this season of his journey God has allowed Rev. Pleasants to minister to the saints at Rising Sun Baptist Church Mineral, Virginia as Pastor. He is reminded of the scripture of Gideon whom God called but was reluctant to go. Later Gideon realized that God calls “whomsoever” he wills to go wherever he so chooses and to prove he does not stand alone does some unbelievable things in reassurance that he is with him all along the journey.
Founded Made in His Image Ministry in 2013 (www.mihiministry.org), its motto: I believe that my purpose is to preserve, cultivate and care for those who I meet during my life’s journey as they journey through life with me. I believe I have the heart, the mind, the courage and the fortitude of my creator to forge a path beyond which I presently see, to change my world, my community and my life. Verse of inspiration is from II Corinth 5:17: “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new.”